Other Media

Project preview

The Last Bachelor in Space - eBook

The Last Bachelor in Space

When Matt Dobson started a local paper, he kindly asked me to write a sci-fi serial adventure for it. I jumped at the chance, and each month, a contributed a chapter. Once the story wrapped, Matt designed a cover, and we released the collection as an eBook.

Download it on Amazon or Apple Books.

The Golden Record - Comic - Script/Art

The Golden Record

For a comics-focused issue of the Paper, I contributed a single page comic. It took me a full weekend to pencil and ink the strip. Click here to see the full page.

G.H.O.S.T. Agents - Comic - Colorist

GHOST Agents

My friend Rocko Jerome has been writing a successful Kickstarter anthology called G.H.O.S.T. Agents. He kindly asked if I could color a few pages of a story John Burkett had drawn. I’ve always enjoyed coloring comics, but had never done it professional until this project.

DayDrunk - Short film - Writer, Director


My old friend, Deathmetal Dave, has been telling us for years to make a movie about him. “I’m too good looking not to be on film,” he’d say. Finally, I caved. I wrote and directed this short film, then convinced my friends to act in it. Seidenfaden’s was kind enough to let us film in their bar. Matt Real handled Director of Photography and editing duties.

Science Fair - Short film 48 hour film fest

A few years back, some friends and I decided to enter the 48 hour film festival. We drew a topic out of a hat, and this is what we came up with. Beyond a rough outline, most of this was improvised.

Symbiosis - Movie - Actor

Beau Kaelin has been making films for quite some time here in Louisville. This one was a joy to act in because it’s reminiscent of The Twilight Zone.

The Day I Met Her - Movie - Score

I’ve been collaborating with Jimmy Humphrey for decades both behind and in front of the camera. For this film, Jimmy asked me to do something new, provide the score. Read more about it here.

This is Product Management - Podcast

I’ve listened to this podcast quite a bit while learning about the product role. Through happenstance, they asked if I’d like to be interviewed for it and I agreed. I spoke about how authenticity and natural language can help you lead through influence, as well as my weird career path.

Listen Here

FANG - Podcast

My buddy John has started a new podcast called F.A.N.G., which stands for “Found A New Guy.” I was interviewed for his second episode. During the episode I got to pet his cat the entire time.

Listen Here